Monday, February 20, 2012

Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense

I can see dead people. You may think that I’m crazy or something, but when I was in high school I had an experience of opening my third eye. This is how the story went…

I was in my drafting class. While I was busy working on my project, I can’t help but overhear the conversation of my two other classmates. They were so serious with conversation they were having. The strangest thing there was, they were talking about seeing and feeling the presence of dead people. In fact, they were even comparing what they were seeing at that very moment. I got so curious that I stopped what I was doing and just listened to their conversation. Initially, I really didn’t believe what they were telling me. I was even laughing inside my head. So to make the conversation even more interesting, I said to them, “If you really could see dead people, why not let me see them as well?” After I said that, one of my classmates just said, “Okay! Just wait!”

The day ended normally. I even forgot about the entire conversation that we had. Now, here is the most interesting part…

Every night my Mom asks me to take out the trash at exactly 9PM, because that is the same time that the garbage truck would pick them up. As I was told, I did go out of my place while bringing out two bags of trashes. When I went out of the gate, I noticed something really weird. No one was outside the streets, which was pretty strange because I lived before in a pretty busy place and the street would still swarm with people even at midnight. But when I went out of the gate, not a single car or a jeepney passed by and not a single person was walking in the sidewalks. I also noticed that there was only one source of light, an old lamp post across the street and like everything turned sepia.

Given the whole sight, I still decided to ignore them and crossed the street. When I got to the other side, I opened the huge garbage bin and placed the two bags of trashes inside. When I closed the garbage bin, I noticed a 4 feet tall man standing in front of me. He was crossing his arms and strongly staring at me with his red eyes. I noticed that he had this devilish grin. He was naked and his skin was as black as charcoal. I looked away because of fear, but when I looked back the man suddenly disappeared. I hurriedly ran back to my place while gasping for air. When I finally got back in my house, I looked at the time and I realized it was still 9PM sharp. Time did not move. And that was my just the beginning of everything…

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