Monday, March 12, 2012

Chances Are (The Movie Review)

I. Summary

  1. Title: Chances Are
  2. Writer: Perry & Randy Howze
  1. Setting: Many scenes were filmed in Georgetown, Washington, D.C.
  2. Characters:
·        Louie Jeffries – the man/husband who got reincarnated
·        Corinne Jeffries – the wife of Louie
·        Miranda Jeffries – the daughter of Louie and Corinne
·        Philipp Train – the best friend of Louie and secret admirer of Corinne
·        Alex Finch – the reincarnation of Louie
  1. Plot:
 The story began with Louie and Corinne’s wedding day. One year after the wedding, Louie was killed in a car crash in 1964 but manages to slip by the pearly gates, or heaven, and is instantly reborn. 23 years later, his widow Corinne still misses him, and ignores the frustrated devotion of his best friend Phillip Train. When Phillip, now Corinne's beau, brings home the college graduate Alex Finch, Alex suddenly realizes he is in fact Corinne's dead husband reborn. His memories of his life as Louie return after he becomes romantically involved with Louie's (his) daughter Miranda. Soon, Louie starts romancing his widow, spurning his daughter's advances, and frustrating Phillip's attempts to court Corrine. At the mid part of the film, Alex Finch, who had the memory of Louie, tried to reveal the anomaly of a judge and upon his pursuit to seek for justice and put the judge behind bars, Alex got into an accident, of which he fell off from the stairs. Upon his hospitalization, an “angel” secretly injected Alex an anecdote that would erase all his memory of his past life as Louie. The story ended with the marriage of Corinne and Philipp Train and so as of the blossoming of the love between Alex and Miranda.

II. What part of the film struck you most?

            I was greatly moved of the scene in the movie when Alex played the song “After All” on the piano, from which by then Corinne finally realized that Alex Finch was indeed the reincarnation of her husband, Louie. With that very moment, I felt how deep and eternal Louie and Corinne’s love for each other is. It made me realize that true love does not have a happy ending, but rather true love does not have an ending.

III. If given a chance, which role in the film would you like to portray?

            If given a chance to be part of the movie, I would gladly take the role of Alex Finch. The reason is that I find a great deal of challenge to play as Alex, and I am fond of challenges. The character doesn’t only require so much acting skills, script memorization, but so as an intensive characterization. I would like also to put myself in a situation wherein one day I would wake up and realize that I am a reincarnation of whosoever. I would like to take the chance to be 2 persons at the same time and be able to innovate clever ways to prove to others that I am indeed the reincarnation of the specific person, whoever he or she maybe.

IV. What philosophies are portrayed in the film? Cite the scenes.

  • Spiritualism – is the philosophy that believes that spirits or souls can survive bodily death.
This philosophy was very much evident in the film especially after the death of Louie Jeffries caused by the freak car accident. Louie’s soul was then brought to heaven after his death and was then assigned to be reborn.
  • Determinism – is the philosophy that states that every event has a cause.
This philosophy was depicted in the film by the series of events that showed that all the consequences, obstacles and conflicts encountered by the main characters of the story had prevalent causes, and the problems were just mere outcome of certain actions or events. One instance is the death of Louie, which was caused by the car accident. Another is when Alex remembered about his past life as Louie, which was actually caused by the “angel” who forgot to inject Louie with the anecdote that make him forget of his past life before he gets to be reborn.
  • Existentialism – this philosophy emphasizes the freedom of human beings to make choices in a world where there are no absolute values outside man himself.
This philosophy was prevalent in the film, which showed that all the main characters are free to make their own choices. This can be proven in the character of Alex, when he decided to just let Philipp, his best friend, to pursue his affair with Corinne, his past life wife. Another proof is found in the character of Corinne wherein she has to make a choice either to live in the past with Louie in the body of Alex or choose the present with Philipp.

V. Explain the title of the film.

            Chances Are… Chances are always part of man’s life. Either we do all we can to grab that chance or just simply let that chance slipped away. Life is all but chances. We will never know what might get into our way or know when our time on earth is up not until it’s over. So all we need to do is to live life to the fullest, to laugh as much as we can, to take our time to look up at the sunrise or sunset or stars at night, to sing as loud as we can, and to love like we have never been hurt. This is because every 60 seconds we spend is a minute and a chance of happiness we may never get back.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

My Only Reason...

A Complaint Letter

This is the censored version of the formal complaint letter that I sent to a specific radio station against one of their disc jockeys.  Please read through, so you may know what exactly happened.

March 5, 2012

Dear Sir / Ma’am:

I am Clint.  I am writing your good office to file to a complaint against one of your disc jockeys, “Mr. DJ”. Please allow me to give you a clear narrative of what the incident is all about.

To start with, I would like to give you a little background of my current job.  I work as a trainer in a call center.  I have been with the company for almost 5 years, and 4 years as a trainer.  Part of my job is to ensure that all my trainees would come on time and abide to the company’s attendance policies.  With this role, I freely give out my mobile number to all of my trainees.  Because of this, I oftentimes get prank messages and calls, possibly from former trainees or colleagues.

Last February 24, 2012, a special holiday, I started my day pretty normal, wanting to enjoy my long weekend.  However around 8am till 11am of the said date, my mobile phone has been flooded with messages and missed calls from anonymous mobile numbers.  Upon checking of the messages, I discovered that most of them were saying that I was looking for text mates and that they got my number from “Mr. DJ” from his radio program.  Personally, I have never called your radio station and gave “Mr. DJ” the authority to air my number.  Initially no names were mentioned in the messages that I received on the said date, but around 9am to 10am, the messages that I got from anonymous numbers were then containing my first name “Clint”, with the same content that they got my number from the radio program of “Mr. DJ”, saying that I want text mates.  The worst part is that some of the messages that I received mentioned that they know that I live in ________ City.  This incident greatly alarmed me that day.  Out of confusion and frustration, I deleted 90% of the messages that I got that day.  As of this writing, I still get messages and phone calls from anonymous numbers.  Fearing that the same incident would happen again, on the same date, February 24, 2012, I e-mailed my old friend and former employee of your network, “Ms. RD”, to help me plead to “Mr. DJ” to stop airing my name and mobile number.  “Ms. RD” positively responded to my e-mail and said that she already contacted “Mr. DJ” to stop whatever he was doing.

I really want to know who asked “Mr. DJ” to air my number in his radio program.  Upon further investigation, last February 27, 2012, I found out that “Mr. DJ” was a former employee of the same company work with.  My suspicion grew that there is a great possibility that a colleague asked him to air my number.  So, I decided again to e-mail “Ms. RD” on the same day to ask “Mr. DJ” to reveal the identity of the person who asked him to air my personal information, otherwise, I will take my legal actions against the said the DJ.  I waited for “Ms. RD” to respond to my e-mail, but I didn’t get any.  So I thought of resting my case and forgetting everything that has happened and just get a new SIM card.

Yet, on March 2, 2012, at exactly 1:12pm, I received a phone call from a land line number 032-422****.  When I answered the phone call for the first time and heard that it was “Mr. DJ” on the other line, I released the call fearing that it was another prank call from your radio station, putting me up on air.  But I received another call from the same number 2 minutes after.  This time I decided to answer the phone call.  I was able to confirm that it was indeed “Mr. DJ” talking on the other line.  The conversation took 30 minutes to an hour.  On the said phone call, “Mr. DJ” made false allegations against me.  The entire conversation dwelt on the idea that “Mr. DJ” wanted to verify the e-mail that I sent to “Ms. RD”.  He also stated his reason on that same phone conversation why he aired my mobile number.  He directly admitted that he aired my number for a fabricated reason that your radio station and DJs were receiving rude and foul messages from my mobile number through your station number.  I firmly answered him that I have never subscribed to your station number nor sent any rude messages.  However, “Mr. DJ” insisted that I used the same number to send offensive messages against him, other DJs, and the radio station itself.  He even said that he has already prepared print screens of the messages that I allegedly sent through your station number.  I strongly denied his accusations against me over the phone.

I personally don’t want to make this as a big issue nor would I want Mr. DJ” to lose his job.  I only need three things from the person involved, “Mr. DJ”.  First, I need his honest and sincere apology for what he did.  Second, I hope that he admits that he just made up the idea that he aired my number because of the messages I allegedly sent to your station number.  Lastly, I want that he reveals the real motive why he aired my number and name in his radio program and that he also identities the person who asked him to do so.

This is the most comprehensive narrative report that I can think of.  But if you may have some questions, I am very much willing to answer your queries to further clarify some issues.  You may contact me on the same mobile number.

I am hoping for your fair judgment and direct action regarding this pressing matter.

Much respect,


Monday, February 27, 2012



Below are some of the photos that I personally edited.  I also added some catchy and meaningfu quotations on every photos.  Hope you enjoy them!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Sixth Sense

Sixth Sense

I can see dead people. You may think that I’m crazy or something, but when I was in high school I had an experience of opening my third eye. This is how the story went…

I was in my drafting class. While I was busy working on my project, I can’t help but overhear the conversation of my two other classmates. They were so serious with conversation they were having. The strangest thing there was, they were talking about seeing and feeling the presence of dead people. In fact, they were even comparing what they were seeing at that very moment. I got so curious that I stopped what I was doing and just listened to their conversation. Initially, I really didn’t believe what they were telling me. I was even laughing inside my head. So to make the conversation even more interesting, I said to them, “If you really could see dead people, why not let me see them as well?” After I said that, one of my classmates just said, “Okay! Just wait!”

The day ended normally. I even forgot about the entire conversation that we had. Now, here is the most interesting part…

Every night my Mom asks me to take out the trash at exactly 9PM, because that is the same time that the garbage truck would pick them up. As I was told, I did go out of my place while bringing out two bags of trashes. When I went out of the gate, I noticed something really weird. No one was outside the streets, which was pretty strange because I lived before in a pretty busy place and the street would still swarm with people even at midnight. But when I went out of the gate, not a single car or a jeepney passed by and not a single person was walking in the sidewalks. I also noticed that there was only one source of light, an old lamp post across the street and like everything turned sepia.

Given the whole sight, I still decided to ignore them and crossed the street. When I got to the other side, I opened the huge garbage bin and placed the two bags of trashes inside. When I closed the garbage bin, I noticed a 4 feet tall man standing in front of me. He was crossing his arms and strongly staring at me with his red eyes. I noticed that he had this devilish grin. He was naked and his skin was as black as charcoal. I looked away because of fear, but when I looked back the man suddenly disappeared. I hurriedly ran back to my place while gasping for air. When I finally got back in my house, I looked at the time and I realized it was still 9PM sharp. Time did not move. And that was my just the beginning of everything…

Friday, February 17, 2012


These are some of the quotes I and my friends posted on our Facebook walls.

Worrying is like sitting on a rocking chair, it allows you to do something but it doesn't get you anywhere.

Great things come to those who wait.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift, that is why it's called the present.

Learn the new ABCs.
A - Act on it.
B - Believe in it.
C - Conquer it.

Happiness is not on how much you have, but is on how less you complain.

Anger is a way of hurting yourself with other people's mistakes.

Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation.
- Eat, Pray, Love

We live to remember. But sometimes, we need to forget to survive.

The prince's brain knows what its mouth is doing.
- King's Speech

Honor awaits to those true to their hearts.

Live for nothing or die for something.
- John Rambo

Victory is not in rising, but in rising after falling.

The best way to learn is to teach.

A teacher is a learner among learners.

An astounding performance can make the performer and the story itself a legend.

Life is fair, but people make it unfair.

Hurting people hurt people and are easily hurt by them.

You don't become good by trying to be good, but by allowing that goodness to emerge.

Appeal to his better nature.
- Happy Feet

I don't have the strength to stay away from you.
- Edward Cullen

I wish people are like money. So, you can just put them up in the light to see who are the real and the fake ones.

You don't say "I love you". Rather say, "I have been loving you". This is in the present perfect progressive tense. That means, it has started in the past and is continuing in the present.

No man can hurt you without your consent.

Endings are beginnings of beautiful things.

You can close your eyes from the things you don't want to see, but you can never close your heart from the things you don't want to feel.

There is no sorrow on earth that heaven cannot heal.

It's not about how others look at you, it's how you look at yourself.
- Beastly

When everything is in your way, then you're in the wrong lane.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss event. Small minds discuss people.
- Eleanor Roosevelt



 Mga Butang nga Magpa-ulbo sa Akong Kaspa Sulod sa Jeep:

1. Baga'g nawong nga pasahero o drayber nga manigarilyo sulod sa jeep bisa'g naay No Smoking sign.
2. Babay nga dili mamugong sa iyang taas nga buhok, nga kung mapalid sa hangin manghingogmo sulod sa imong ilong.
3. Makalilisang nga baho sa ilok o lawas sa imong tapad.
4. Pasaherong patuyang og bilangkad bisan huot na kaayo ang jeep.
5. Sa dihang mahimo kang cashier sa mga pasaherong mag-ulhos-ulhos og plite.

Bisan pa niining tanan, wala koy mahimo kay wala koy kaugalingong sakyanan. Mao ni ang giingon nga, "Ang Mag-antos, Masantos."